In many cases, the sufferer has difficulty moving and speaking, and will have lost its independence as a result of their stroke. Those who have pre-stroke tendency to handle stress well, coping with adversity and were optimistic by nature, are more likely to respond better after a stroke. Those whose pre-strike figures were prone to anger, anxiety or depression will be the stroke rehabilitation discouraging. Lack of motivation is a common reaction to the latter group, when the recovery is slow and especially if there is a lot of setbacks. A depression and apathy can follow quickly thereafter.
Personality differences in changes in behavior, thinking and interacting someone from what their normal character before. Personalities are sensitive to changes after stroke, but these changes may not always be permanent. After an improvement in their abilities, their personality can return to their pre-stroke behavior and way of looking at things.
Some stroke sufferers may have uncontrollable bouts of crying and laughter. Some May be reduced patience and increased levels of frustration, be impulsive, lack self-confidence, be selfish, more emotional or behave inappropriately. Another May suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, which is the fear of powerlessness. Some have difficulty functioning socially, and many of the symptoms of loss of identity, which can lead to changes in personality. Identity loss is a feeling that many stroke sufferers have, because of how they see themselves after a stroke. Their lives have changed, especially if there has been a major change in their work abilities.
Here are some ways to help stroke victims:
- treat them with respect and listen to what is bothering them;
- Offer praise when they make an effort to work on recovery;
- Allow them to vote. It is often necessary, however, to ensure that their decisions are not ones that will be at risk;
- Discuss their personality changes with them and determine whether they can identify and understand changes in themselves;
- If you are aware, helping them to develop compensatory strategies;
- Express your feelings about the changes and encourage them to talk about how they feel about the changes;
-. Discuss with them how personality changes have affected their relationships
If you are uncomfortable discussing their personality changes with someone close to them, it might be easier for them to do so with a third party, impartial person who is closely involved with them. Be aware of your personality changes can help significantly to being able to work on them.
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